Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fable 2

Fable 2 was one of my favourite games when it came out. At first glance, this game seems to have almost everything - it was set in somewhat medieval times, has more than once choice of combat... wow. This game was again disappointing in a lot of ways, but one thing it always promised was beautiful visuals.

It is always amazing for me to think that games with immersive, massive, interactive worlds all come from drawings such as this. This is the base of so much more.

It is my goal to hopefully one day be able to draw like this without reference.

The character designs are quite standard - front and back views of a character in a relatively loosely painted style.

With this image and the one below it, it is interesting to see what a difference a simple background can make to an image - even one as specific as a character design.

Also interesting to see how much attention is paid to small details, such as the hats that townsfolk wear.

The environment designs of this game are also amazing and include so many different kinds of areas - seas, rivers, forests, snow-capped areas, towns, messed up hellish areas and much more.

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